Britec Emulsifier 200
Britec Emulsifier 200
Products Specifications
Size container Liter
Physical state Thick Liquid
Colour Colourless
Fragrance None
Foaming action High
Acid content None
Biodegrable Yes
PH (10%Solution) 7.0 + 10.5
Flammabilty None
Specific gravity 1.05 ± .05

This product should be stored and used in accordance with good industrial hygiene practices and in conformity with any legal regulations. This Information is based on our present state of knowledge and is intended to describe our products from the point of view of the safety requirements.

It should not therefore be construed as guaranteeing specific properties. It is up to the user/distributor to ensure that the information contained in the MSDS is relevant to the product manufactured/handled or sold by him as the case may be. We make no warranties, expressed or implied, in respect of the adequacy of this document for any particular purpose.

India's Number 1 Emulsifier 200 Manufacturer
Britec Emulsifier 200
Britec Emulsifier 200