Britec Action Alk
Britec Action Alk
Products Specifications
Size container Kg
Physical state Powder
Colour White
Fragrance None
Foaming action None
Acid content None
Biodegrable Yes
PH (10%Solution) 10.00 + 10.5
Flammabilty None
Specific gravity 1.05 ± .05

Have you seen a stain on your clothes that you can't seem to remove effectively when head washing? Don't fear! Britec action (alk) Powder works in cold water and has high power to answer stain challenges when you hand wash.

Our organisations is a accridited name putting forth a wide range of Britech detergent & Booster. These products are an effective cleaning agents that helps in removing the stain and spots from the clothes.Having effective ingridients these product are very helpful in maintaining and enhancing the quality and appearance of the fabric. Moreover reasonable prices, our products are acclaimed for that following attributes:

  • Britec action (alk) that not only provides unmatched whiteness to fabrics but also maintains it for a longer period of time.
  • Britec action (alk) provide "long lasting whiteness" to luandry and prevent them from turning gray after number of washes.
  • Britec action (alk) has an "environment friendly formulation".
  • Britec action (alk) cleaned like a champ in Consumer Reports. It was very good overall in cleanability, which includes such stain as grass, chocolate ice cream and tea and ring around the collar.

Product Benefits : Highly concerntrated formulation. High stain removing ability with color guard technology. Flouresent whitening agents added for added whiteness. Low cost formulation. Work effectively in hard water condition. Provide shine to the clothes. Safe on skin. Ready source of concerntrated alkali Quickly dessolves. Provides good soil removal and good colour retention. Allowes full flexibility with choice of Surfactants & Detergents

  • Medium soil 3 - 8 g/kg Fabrics Weight
  • Heavy soil 8 - 10 g/kg Fabrics Weight
India's Leading Action Alk Manufacturer
Britec Action Alk
Britec Action Alk